Take business efficiency to new heights

Liftdoo offers a comprehensive cloud-based ERP solution designed to optimise processes and management for companies engaged in the manufacture, installation and maintenance of lifts. Our primary goal is to address the challenges of scheduling, task management, regulatory compliance and cost control in order to improve technical service quality and increase customer satisfaction.

Using a simple and intuitive interface accessible from any device, Liftdoo gives you complete control over your company in a single platform, from lift maintenance to real-time monitoring of actions and analysis of profitability per lift or apartment block.

Lift maintenance

Businesses wishing to automate maintenance tasks, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.

Lift installation

Enterprises looking to streamline the installation process and improve communication with customers.

Lift manufacture

Companies seeking to optimise production planning and stock management.


A solution that rises to the challenge

If your company needs to move forward and keep up with the latest digital innovations in the lift industry, Liftdoo is the solution for you. A business tool with which to tackle planning problems, manage tasks, comply with regulations, control costs and improve service quality and customer satisfaction by:

Process automation

Automating processes to improve efficiency, reduce errors and optimise all departments’ time.

Centralization of information

Centralising information, thereby improving communication between the technical and administrative departments and ensuring detailed record-keeping and optimal workflow.

Appointment scheduling

Enabling efficient scheduling of maintenance visits, repairs, assemblies and upgrades, taking the availability of technicians and materials into account.

Stock management

Managing the stock required for the different technical tasks and ensuring adequate supply at all times.

Report generation

Generating detailed reports on the state of the lifts, the tasks performed, future maintenance and the materials used.

Accounting management

Providing integrated accounting management, thus improving the monitoring of finances and enabling informed decision-making.


Transform your way of working with Liftdoo

Imagine a platform that not only manages technical tasks but also fosters collaboration and improves decision-making. That’s Liftdoo!

Installation and maintenance
  • Device fact sheet with technical specifications, location, maintenance data and related timesheets
  • Generation of timesheets for each device by scanning QR codes
  • Creation of recurring tasks for preventive maintenance
  • Sending of notifications to users when recurring maintenance work orders are automatically created, availability of materials for installations, alerts, etc.
  • Historical record of alerts and work orders
  • Locking of the device, and automatic suspension of invoicing and preventive maintenance
  • Customer termination functionality, automatic cancellation of subscription and closing of scheduled work orders
  • Automated inventory management from work orders
  • Stock automation that takes account of the availability of the products that technicians have in their vehicles


  • Duty rosters tailored to different shifts
  • Generation of timesheets for each device by scanning QR codes
  • Integrated CRM module for effective sales management
  • Dynamic creation of contracts with customisable terms
  • Standard email templates to streamline communication with third parties
  • Accounting processes (bank reconciliation, generation of remittances and VAT forms, etc.)
  • Bulk sending of invoices to customers/property management companies

  • Analysis and cost management tools
  • Assessment of the cost-effectiveness of devices

Your partner in compliance with
the CTI regulation for lifts

The entry into force of the new CTI regulations will force many businesses in the lift sector to adapt their procedures, as it introduces new rules for the recording of maintenance reports. With Liftdoo, you can be sure you are compliant with all the traceability requirements that will be mandatory by 2026!

Your partner in compliance with the CTI regulation for lifts

The entry into force of the new CTI regulations will force many businesses in the lift sector to adapt their procedures, as it introduces new rules for the recording of maintenance reports. With Liftdoo, you can be sure you are compliant with all the traceability requirements that will be mandatory by 2026!

Provide the owner with a report with the data of each intervention

Liftdoo enables the centralisation of information and allows you to quickly generate and download reports with updated data.

Keep a maintenance record that is up to date and accessible to the public authorities

Liftdoo allows you to digitise and manage these reports effectively and in real time.

Include safety component identification features in maintenance records

Liftdoo allows you to create and update the device’s technical specifications by simply scanning QR codes.

Report maintenance contract signings and terminations to the public authorities upon request within 30 days

Liftdoo includes various functions that allow real-time monitoring of the status of contracts and work orders.

Give owners at least two months’ notice of upcoming inspections

Liftdoo automates the scheduling and notification of inspections based on the contract with the owner and the age of the device.


ISO 27001
Certificación del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información

La ISO 27001 es una norma internacional de Seguridad de la Información que pretende asegurar la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad de la información de una organización y de los sistemas y aplicaciones que la tratan.

Odoo Gold Partner
No. 1 in Spain

Odoo Gold Partner membership is granted to partners with the highest technical capabilities and the experience Odoo recommends for a high quality implementation of the Odoo platform.

Odoo Awards 2020
Best European Starter

This award is given to the highest-rated new European business partner based on the assessment of our software implementations. 

The future of the lift industry is here, take your business to new heights with Liftdoo
Transforma tu empresa con Odoo

 Contact us to find out how we can tailor the solution to the specific needs of your business.

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